Best Baby Toys your Little Will Grow With

If you’re like me, you do not want a clutter of toys. You want quality toys your little one will grow with and enjoy for many years. Quality over quantity. I’d love to say this is truly the case for me. I learned by trial and error. I returned to work after having my first baby as the world was shutting down. The situation afforded me low expenses (no childcare, working from home with a baby) but high needs to find solutions to keep my baby occupied while I worked at the kitchen table with a baby nearby. Through this process, I ran into some gems of toys that my kiddos still use through toddlerhood. While babies really don’t NEED toys, it can be nice to have, especially if you need a baby occupied while you get something done. Here are my favorite toys!

Activity Table

Baby activity table entertains from sitting all the way through toddlerhood
Activity Table

My kids STILL use this Activity Table to this day. One thing I love about this is that it encourages the child to develop motor skills without the constraint of a container (ie not like a jumper). No hate against jumpers (I used them plenty!), I just love that this table encourages the child to explore within their own strengths and abilities. When your baby is able to sit up, you can set the table on its side and let your baby explore the buttons and sounds. As your baby grows the ability to pull themselves up to a stand, they can use the table for support and play at the table. They can practice shuffling by going around the table. Now that I have toddlers, they like to play at the table together and call out the numbers/animals they see.

Kick and Play Playmat

activity mat to engage babies and toddlers

SO I REALLY loved the thought have having baby toys that matched the aesthetic of my living room BUT that quickly fell apart. I had a different cute mat but nothing was as versatile as this rainbow super colorful mat. The mat is useful from the newborn days till your baby is full on walking (and even then, they may enjoy detaching the keyboard any playing with it).

I again love this mat because it gives the stubborn tummy time hating babies some distraction to help them build that strength without the assistance of a “container.” As a newborn, my babies love to look up at the dangling toys and reach for them. As they begin to kick and explore, you can set their feet near the keyboard so kicks produce sounds. For tummy time, you can set your baby within arms reach of the keys to encourage them to reach for the keys AND distract them from tummy time distaste. As your baby further develops their gross motor skills, you can encourage them to practice kneeling at the mat by tilting the keyboard up so your baby will kneel to play with the keys. Once your baby is no longer a baby, you can detach the keyboard and use the keyboard as an individual toy.

Stacking Cups

baby loving stacking cups
Stacking Cups during Tummy time

Last and very much not least, is our Stacking Cups. These have been so great (and affordable) that I keep one at set at home and one in my diaper bag to entertain kiddos at restaurants. When babies are little, its easy to hand them one or two just to hold onto. They also serve as a great distraction during tummy time as well – stack them in front of baby just out of arms reach to encourage them to reach for the cups. As babies grow into toddlerhood, stacking the cups becomes entertaining thus guaranteeing your money’s worth for these cups. My oldest held onto his cups through his 12 month shots and did not let go.

Best Baby Toys

The best baby toys are the ones that your baby will grow with. Having fewer toys, but toys that your baby loves also makes clean up easier for mom and dad. What toys would you recommend? What toys has your baby loved? Let me know in the comments!

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